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East TCM

Looking for East TCM ?

Annie Tiang is a MOH certified TCM clinic in Singapore, founded in 1981. Our HQ location is : 11 EAST Coast road ,the odeon katong 01-01,Singapore 428722. Annie Tiang has a professional branding image, a stable and high-quality reputation, and is acknowledged as a leading TCM Clinic in Singapore after more than 30 years of service.

Annie Tiang TCM Clinic specializes in acupuncture, orthopedics, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment, as well as gynecology and internal medicine therapies.

We are completely dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality medical care in a compassionate, courteous, and efficient manner. Our ambition is to become not only Singapore’s largest TCM clinic, but also the best TCM clinic in the country, one that values excellence and professionalism.